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太湖湖岸带浮游植物初级生产力特征及影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蔡琳琳  朱广伟  李向阳 《生态学报》2013,33(22):7250-7258
利用高频溶解氧监测,估算了太湖梅梁湾湖岸带浮游植物初级生产力的高频变化特征。结合同步气象监测及浮游植物、浮游动物和营养盐的周年逐周观测数据,分析了气象和环境条件对富营养化湖泊浮游植物初级生产力的影响。结果发现,高频溶解氧监测估算的初级生产力变化与浮游藻类生物量的变化一致,能够反映出浮游植物生产力的昼夜变化、季节变化等规律。统计分析表明,气温对太湖这一富营养化湖泊初级生产力影响很大;氮的供给与浮游动物的选择性牧食也是影响浮游植物初级生产力的重要因素。湖岸带的水华堆积过程对初级生产力影响巨大,气象、水文过程又加剧了蓝藻水华初级生产力的变化幅度,反映出富营养化湖泊初级生产力可能存在极大的时空不均一性。研究表明,溶解氧高频监测法估算初级生产力能够捕捉到湖泊初级生产力的快速变化过程,可以用于富营养化湖泊初级生产力监测、蓝藻水华灾害预警中。  相似文献   
太湖流域生态风险评价   总被引:24,自引:12,他引:12  
许妍  高俊峰  郭建科 《生态学报》2013,33(9):2896-2906
随着城镇的急剧扩张和经济的快速增长,流域生态环境遭到极大冲击和破坏,致使生态系统出现资源退化、环境恶化与灾害风险加剧的趋势,生态环境面临前所未有的挑战.从复合生态系统入手,深入分析流域内各生态系统要素之间的相互作用与影响机制,综合考虑多风险源、多风险受体和生态终点共存情况下的风险大小,从风险源危险度、生境脆弱度及受体损失度三方面构建了流域生态风险评价技术体系,并选取太湖流域为实证区域,对太湖流域2000年、2008年两个时期生态风险的时空演化特征进行评价与分析.结果表明:太湖流域生态风险指数介于0.015-0.253之间,以中等和较低生态风险为主.至2008年,高、较高生态风险所占面积逐渐扩大,已由2000年的5.66%、13.42%增加至6.05%、18.42%,主要集中在流域北部的常州市区、江阴市大部分地区以及无锡市区.  相似文献   
基于遥感和GIS的巢湖流域生态功能分区研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
生态功能分区是区域自然资源科学管理及可持续发展利用的基础。基于生态功能分区原则,考虑流域——子流域完整性进行巢湖流域生态功能分区。在综合分析巢湖流域生态环境基本特征的基础上,确定生态功能分区原则、依据、方法及命名,基于遥感与GIS在数据采集方面及多层面叠加功能的优势,通过遥感数据对研究区土地利用信息的提取以及利用DEM空间分析进行子流域划分等技术手段,探讨了遥感和GIS技术支持下的研究区子流域生态功能划分方法,形成了巢湖流域生态功能分区方案,将全流域分为5个生态功能区和12个生态功能亚区,并阐明了不同生态功能区的生态保护重点与经济社会发展约束。对于新调整行政区划的巢湖流域生态环境综合治理具有重要的现实意义,可为流域产业布局、生态防灾减灾、环境保护与建设规划等提供科学依据。  相似文献   
贵州白鹇湖沉积物中孢粉记录的5.5kaB.P.以来的气候变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杜荣荣  陈敬安  曾艳  朱正杰 《生态学报》2013,33(12):3783-3791
通过对白鹇湖沉积物柱芯孢粉组合的剖面变化分析,在有机质14C定年基础上,探讨了白鹇湖地区过去5.5 ka calB.P.以来的植被演替和气候变化过程.研究结果表明,5500-4500 aB.P.期间,各类植被比较丰富,气候温暖湿润;4500-2750 aB.P.期间,干旱草本和蕨类植物开始出现,是气候转变过渡期;2750-1500 aB.P.期间,木本植物组合类型发生明显变化,喜湿草本减少,耐旱草本增加,气候向温凉干旱化发展;1500 aB.P.至今,木本植被和喜湿草本继续减少,中生耐旱草本和蕨类植物数量继续大幅增加,干旱化趋势明显,植被组合向典型石漠化植被组合类型发展.白鹇湖沉积物剖面孢粉组合变化表明,该地区近5000a来气候变化以温度下降、降水减少为主要趋势,并存在明显的陆地植被退化现象.研究还揭示了自然气候变化事件(如气候持续干旱)可导致喀斯特地区发生石漠化,证实了喀斯特地区生态环境具先天脆弱性.科学评估白鹇湖地区气候干旱化趋势及其生态环境影响对指导该地区科学应对气候变化具重要意义,亟待加强.  相似文献   
张洪海  王明  陈磊  刘松涛  窦华山  高东泉 《生态学报》2013,33(10):3233-3240
2010年和2011年3月-6月,对内蒙古达赉湖国家级保护区达赉湖西岸地区大鵟(Buteo hemilasius)的巢穴结构和巢址选择因子进行了调查研究.采用野外观察和样方法定位了13个大鵟巢址,并对巢址样方的20个生态因子进行测量,运用主成分分析法对影响大鵟巢址选择的主要因子进行了分析.测量显示,大鵟巢穴的基本结构特征为:外径(94.7+4.2) cm;巢高度(46.1±2.7) cm;内径(24.8±1.5)cm;巢深(14.0±+0.9)cm.生境因子分析结果表明,达赉湖西岸地区大鵟的巢集中分布在湖岸或水塘附近的悬崖,营巢点坡度为15°-45°之间的阳坡或半阳坡;隐蔽度高于20%;草本密度大于5株/m2;植被均高大于30cm;巢距悬崖上部距离2-5m;距水源l00m以内;距居民点距离大于lkm;距草原道路的距离大于0.5km;而对于物种丰富度没有特殊要求.主成分分析显示,影响大鵟巢址选择的主要因子有3个,依次为:隐蔽性因子(主要包括巢址区域的植物特征和地形特征)、干扰因子和食物因子.各主成分中,相对系数绝对值最高的变量依次是:植被盖度、距居民点距离、巢的高度和距草原道路距离.  相似文献   
甘肃尕海硅藻初报   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
报道了2011年8月及2012年10月采自甘肃尕海的硅藻植物共84个分类单位,包括32属75种9变种,其中4种为中国新记录:Gomphonema laticollum E.Reichardt、Navicula antonii Lange—Bertalot、Navicula seibigiana Lange—Bertalot、Stauroneis reichardii Lange—Bertalot。对尕海硅藻的种类组成、生态特征进行了讨论。  相似文献   
Xin Wang  Anthony D. Fox  Peihao Cong  Lei Cao 《Ibis》2013,155(3):576-592
More than 90% of the Lesser White‐fronted Geese Anser erythropus in the Eastern Palearctic flyway population winter at East Dongting Lake, China. To explain this restricted distribution and to understand better the winter feeding ecology and habitat requirements of this poorly known species, we assessed their food availability, diet and energy budgets at this site through two winters. Lesser White‐fronted Geese maintained a positive energy budget when feeding on above‐ground green production of Eleocharis and Alopecurus in recessional grasslands in autumn and spring to accumulate fat stores. Such food was severely depleted by late November and showed no growth in mid‐winter. Geese fed on more extensive old‐growth Carex sedge meadows in mid‐winter where they were in energy deficit and depleted endogenous fat stores. Geese failed to accumulate autumn fat stores in one year when high water levels prevented the Geese from using recessional grassland feeding areas. Fat stores remained lower throughout that winter and Geese left for breeding areas later in spring than in the previous year, perhaps reflecting the need to gain threshold fat stores for migration. Sedge meadows are widespread at other Yangtze River floodplain wetlands, but recessional grasslands are rare and perhaps restricted to parts of East Dongting Lake, which would explain the highly localized distribution of Lesser White‐fronted Geese in China and their heavy use of these habitats at this site. Sympathetic management of water tables is essential to maintain the recessional grasslands in the best condition for Geese. Regular depletion of fat stores whilst grazing sedge meadows in mid‐winter also underlines the need to protect the species from unnecessary anthropogenic disturbances that enhance energy expenditure. The specialized diet of the Lesser White‐fronted Goose may explain its highly restricted winter distribution and global rarity.  相似文献   

Metal fractionation is a powerful tool for studying the mobility, bioavailability and toxicity of metals in sediments and soils. A seven-step sequential extraction technique was used to determine the potential mobility of selected heavy metals (Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Pb, Cd and Ni) in the sediments of Lake Naivasha. Results indicate that residual fraction was the most important phase for the elements Fe, Mn, Cu and Zn. However, Pb and Cd are highly enriched in the non-residual phases. Nickel on the other hand was distributed evenly between the non-residual and the residual fractions.

The total concentrations of the heavy metals suggested a decreasing order of iron ?> manganese ? zinc > nickel > copper ? lead > cadmium. However, the detailed sequential extraction data indicated an order of release or mobility of cadmium > lead ? nickel ? zinc > manganese > copper > iron. The high percentage of Cd and Pb in the mobile fractions suggests high bioavailability of these two elements in the study area and maybe a pointer to anthropogenic input of the two elements in the study area.  相似文献   
Organic Lake is a shallow, marine-derived hypersaline lake in the Vestfold Hills, Antarctica that has the highest reported concentration of dimethylsulfide (DMS) in a natural body of water. To determine the composition and functional potential of the microbial community and learn about the unusual sulfur chemistry in Organic Lake, shotgun metagenomics was performed on size-fractionated samples collected along a depth profile. Eucaryal phytoflagellates were the main photosynthetic organisms. Bacteria were dominated by the globally distributed heterotrophic taxa Marinobacter, Roseovarius and Psychroflexus. The dominance of heterotrophic degradation, coupled with low fixation potential, indicates possible net carbon loss. However, abundant marker genes for aerobic anoxygenic phototrophy, sulfur oxidation, rhodopsins and CO oxidation were also linked to the dominant heterotrophic bacteria, and indicate the use of photo- and lithoheterotrophy as mechanisms for conserving organic carbon. Similarly, a high genetic potential for the recycling of nitrogen compounds likely functions to retain fixed nitrogen in the lake. Dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) lyase genes were abundant, indicating that DMSP is a significant carbon and energy source. Unlike marine environments, DMSP demethylases were less abundant, indicating that DMSP cleavage is the likely source of high DMS concentration. DMSP cleavage, carbon mixotrophy (photoheterotrophy and lithoheterotrophy) and nitrogen remineralization by dominant Organic Lake bacteria are potentially important adaptations to nutrient constraints. In particular, carbon mixotrophy relieves the extent of carbon oxidation for energy production, allowing more carbon to be used for biosynthetic processes. The study sheds light on how the microbial community has adapted to this unique Antarctic lake environment.  相似文献   

In shallow lakes a siltation system develops when wind driven water turbulence erodes the lake floor, silt is resuspended and transported by means of waterdrift into the littoral vegetation. Here, due to the resistance of the vegetation, the turbulence is reduced and the silt deposited. Through this mechanism, the prevailing winds have a major rôle in the erosion and siltation pattern, lake morphology, vegetation pattern and in the mixing of water and nutrients from the open water and the reedswamp and vice versa. The model explains the uneven distribution of vegetation at the lakes Neusiedlersee (Austria) and Chilwa (Malawi) satisfactorily, if one assumes a positive correlation between siltation and reedswamp growth and spread.  相似文献   
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